developing Africans for relevance in the AI revolution.

Our first cohort spanned through a period of 3 months, and 13 series of hands on training.  Over 890 candidates from 5 countries participated in the first cohort. 

Our second cohort spanned through a period of 3 months, and 13 series of hands on training.  Over 890 candidates from 5 countries participated in the first cohort. 

Our Programs

Our programs are designed to be accessible, affordable, and scalable, reaching Africans across different backgrounds, geographies, and sectors. We believe that by empowering Africans with AI skills and knowledge, we can create a new generation of AI leaders, driving economic growth and social development in Africa

AI education

We design and deliver AI education curricula tailored to the needs of different groups, including students, professionals, and policymakers. Our curricula cover a range of AI competencies, from basic programming skills to advanced machine learning and data analytics. We partner with universities, training institutions, and private sector companies to deliver our programs

Capacity building

We offer capacity building programs to help organizations integrate AI into their operations. This may include developing AI strategies, identifying AI use cases, and building AI solutions. We also offer mentorship and coaching programs for AI startups and entrepreneurs, helping them turn their ideas into successful businesses

Research and innovation

We conduct research on AI applications in different sectors, including healthcare, agriculture, finance, and education. We collaborate with local researchers and innovators to build AI solutions that address African challenges. We also organize hackathons, competitions, and innovation challenges to promote AI innovation in Africa

Public awareness

We raise public awareness about the potential benefits and risks of AI, promoting ethical and responsible AI development and deployment in Africa. We organize conferences, workshops, and public talks to engage with diverse audiences, including policymakers, civil society organizations, and the general public

Our Partners

The African AI Foundation works closely with a range of partners to deliver its mission. Our partners include universities, research institutions, private sector companies, and government agencies, who share our vision and values.

Together, we design and implement programs and initiatives that advance AI development and deployment in Africa, building world-class AI capabilities and solutions that address African challenges. Our partners benefit from our expertise and knowledge in AI and our extensive networks across Africa and beyond.

We believe that partnerships are essential to achieving our mission and promoting sustainable economic growth and social development in Africa. Join us in our quest to harness the power of AI for the benefit of all Africans.

About us

African AI Foundation empowers Africans to take an active role in AI – develop AI based business and human solutions, and attain proficiency in various AI competencies.

We are led by a team of experienced AI professionals and entrepreneurs, who are dedicated to building world-class AI capabilities in Africa and empowering Africans to take leadership roles in this field. Our board of directors includes prominent African and international business leaders, academics, and policymakers, who provide strategic guidance and oversight for our operations.

Our partners and supporters are a diverse group of organizations and individuals, including universities, research institutions, private sector companies, and government agencies. We work closely with them to develop and implement programs that help Africans become active participants in the AI revolution.

Our mission

Is to develop Africans for relevance in the AI revolution. We harness the power of artificial intelligence to drive sustainable economic growth and social development in Africa. Through training, capacity building, research, and innovation, the foundation enables Africans to participate in the AI revolution, creating job opportunities and building solutions to some of the continent's most pressing challenges.

Our vision

Is to make Africa a leader in AI development, innovation, and deployment, contributing to global economic growth and social progress. Our values are rooted in integrity, transparency, collaboration, diversity, and innovation.

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